If your dog is still infested with fleas after using Frontline, you should consider other options for treating the fleas.

The first step is to assess why your pet may be vulnerable to fleas despite being treated with Frontline. Are there areas around your house or yard that are known to harbor flea eggs and larvae? Is your pet going outside and bedding down in tall grass or other areas where they might pick up fleas?

If you can identify potential sources of re-infestation, then these can be addressed through increased hygiene efforts such as vacuuming carpets often, washing pet bedding regularly, keeping grass cut short, sealing yards or putting up fences around potential problem areas.

In addition to improving home or yard habitats that attract fleas, you could also use spot treatments such as Advantage Multi or Comfortis tablets along with Frontline spray to target any remaining flea hotspots.

You could also try a different adulticide like Bravecto chews or NexGard soft chews that contain longer lasting ingredients than Frontline spray. Finally, if all else fails, it may help to speak with a veterinarian about potentially using higher doses of spot treatment medications for more stubborn cases.

Introduction to fleas & common flea treatments

If your dog has fleas, you’re probably aware of the itch and discomfort that comes along with it. Fleas are small, wingless parasites that feed on the blood of their host, which in this case is your furry friend.

There are many different types of treatments for fleas on the market today. Common treatments include insecticides, such as those found seresto-collar in topical spot-on treatments like Frontline Plus or Revolution. These are most effective when it comes to breaking the flea life cycle, as they kill adult fleas before they can lay eggs. Another option is to try an oral treatment like Comfortis or Trifexis, which help get rid of existing infestations while also killing any new fleas that may try to feed on your pet. While these medications work quickly, it may take multiple doses over a period of time to completely get rid of all the fleas.

The benefits of using Frontline for flea control

Frontline is one of the most effective treatments for flea control on the market today. It prevents, controls, and eliminates all four stages of the flea life cycle: Eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult fleas. As a preventative treatment it also deters other parasites like ticks, lice, and mites.

The active ingredient in Frontline is Fipronil which works by binding to specific receptors within an insect’s central nervous system disrupting its function and leading to paralysis and death. This makes it exceptionally powerful at controlling infestations quickly. In addition to being very effective at treating current outbreaks of fleas, it covers extended-release protection against future occurrences.

Apart from being safe for use on pets aged 8 weeks or older (and can be used up until their last day), extremely convenient to use with no mess or stickiness involved) there are also minimal side effects like skin sensitivity or allergies should your pet ingest too much of the product. With proper supervision followed thus ensuring that your pet has received a proper topical application you can rest assured that your pet will stay protected from fleas for weeks!

What to do if your dog still has fleas after using Frontline

If your dog still has fleas after using Frontline, the best thing you can do is speak with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may be able to diagnose potential causes for why your dog is still infested with fleas, such as underlying health issues or problems with Frontline’s application. Many veterinarians also have access to additional flea treatment options for stubborn cases of flea infestations.

Other things you can try include switching brands of topical flea treatment and/or switching up the frequency of treatments. In addition, thoroughly groom your pet regularly—using a flea comb at least once a week—and vacuum all carpets and furniture in your home that your pet comes into contact with on a regular basis.

How to identify other causes of your pet’s itching or scratching

If your dog still has fleas after using Frontline, it’s important to look at other potential causes of itching and scratching. These can include allergies, hot spots, lumps and bumps, mites and more.

To help identify the cause of your pet’s discomfort, you’ll want to pay close attention to your pet’s behavior. Don’t just assume that his or her itching and scratching will suddenly stop as soon as you apply the topical medication. Look for tells such as yelping when touched or even just marked restlessness—some dogs won’t show any sign until examining them closely.

You should also be on the lookout for other signs that could point to an underlying problem like rashes, redness, scaling or broken hair in one spot—all of which may be indicative of a specific skin disorder such as mange. A vet visit is recommended if any of these symptoms are present since there are many things that can cause itching or scratching but Frontline may not address them all.

Tips for preventing future infestations

It’s normal to be worried if your dog still has fleas after using Frontline as it can mean that either the product was not applied correctly, or the fleas have developed resistance to it. So in order to prevent future infestations, here are a few tips:

1. Regularly groom your pet. Brushing the fur frequently and vacuuming any areas of the home where your pet rests will reduce the amount of fleas or eggs lingering in those places.

2. Clean bedding regularly. Wash any bedding used by your pet at least once a week in hot water with detergent, and store it away from direct sunlight until use.

3. Use insecticides designed for flea control indoors and outdoors. This is especially important if you have pets that go outside often, as these treatments can target flea eggs and larvae that you may not be able to spot yourself.

4. Consider preventative medications like chewable tablets or homemade dips that contain essential oils like rosemary, cedarwood oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil which all repel fleas naturally when applied directly on the skin of an animal.

By following these recommendations for prevention against flea infestations you should keep your dog healthy and free from further problems!